Hey Chicas and Sirs,

We have FINALLY MOVED!  This wordpress blog will no longer be in service….just packed the last box and we are settle loverly in our new location.  We hope you like the new spot!!!  Come join us….we’ll leave a light on for ya! The new address is simple – www.putawedgeinit.com


Just as a reminder, I’m Katrina Gurl and Put A Wedge In It Blogs are about relationships, confidence, better sex and sensual entertainment for the soul.  MANY dedicated segments are available that will help shape a new outlook for your love life, zest for life and personal and sexual confidence.  We want you to have a passion for life EVERYDAY and Put A Wedge In It Blogs is just the pit stop to make all the above happen. 

❤ Kit-Kat Coaching
❤ Men on Reel
❤ Put A Wedge In It Health!
❤ Secret Crushes Reveled
❤ Sensual Agendas
❤ Tuesday’s Love Jones (TLj)